The Ink Factory: it's inkredible!
From the 13th to the 15th April, the cream of the crop of international tattooists will be gathering at La Sucrière in Lyon. Could this be your opportunity to take the plunge?
You’ve been thinking about it for a while, but Brigitte is deadly serious about it. She loves the French navy and the prestige of its uniform. She’s chosen her nickname and an anchor on her left pec, just a few centimetres from her heart. No one’s judging her taste though. After all, there's nothing more personal than a tattoo. The best of the international scene is coming to La Sucrière for The Ink Factory exhibition, and all styles will be represented. The master of hyperrealism Julien Thibers comes to mind, as well as the Parisian Tin-Tin, and excellent locals from the region Jean-Luc Navette and Teodor Milev (also behind the Bazaar)...
And if you get cold feet on the way, rest assured that The Ink Factory is also a wonderful experience, with an exhibition on Japanese tattoos in the 1950s, rock and burlesque concerts, sporting activities (CrossFit for those that are brave enough), a mobile library and a food truck area. And last but not least, there'll also be an auction, the funds of which will be donated to the non-profit association Docteur Clown (whose mission is to put smiles back on the faces of children in hospital). But between you and me, getting a tattoo isn't that painful. It all depends on how sensitive you are. After a quarter of an hour, your body gets used to the pain.
Brigitte will be delighted in any case.
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Lui, c’est Antoine. Notre rédactrice à moustache. S’il a réussi à s’intégrer dans cette équipe, jusque-là composée uniquement de filles, c’est parce qu’il a su montrer le meilleur de lui-même. A savoir sa part de féminité…

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